Monday, 3 January 2011

Finalising shots:

Today myself and the team discussed which images to pick for the final 4/6. There were literally hundreds of images to choose from, but thankfully we all had similar ideas.
I did get a little frustrated at one point though as I believed we should pick 4 images that represented strong photography- whereas some team members thought the final images should be decided on which shots showed the narrative best. I didn't like this idea as that meant at least one of the 'sweet spot' shots and one of the 'dance floor' shots would have to be used, replacing the place of potentially good images.
When it comes to my work I find I am quite stubborn- I know what I want and what makes a good piece of work, and if I'm honest I don't like my judgement being questioned. I would say this is the main aspect of group work I dislike. It's not like doing independent work where I have full control over everything, and so the debate over final images went on for quite a while. In the end we decided the final verdict would be made by Ruth- after all, she has seen all of the other group's images and she is the one that wrote the brief, therefore she will know which images match the briefs criteria best.
After Ruth had gone through the images with us it seemed we had come to an agreement- basically pick some shots based on photographic quality, and some based on the narrative concept. Yes- I wasn't 100% happy with the final outcome, but at least some of the images I favoured were put through.
Think I've learnt that although group work can be great in terms of increasing workloads- it also takes away control, which is something I'm pretty fussy about.

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