Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Back to trend:

Now that the other two briefs are complete I was ready to get on with the trend project.
As shown in a previous post I have already completed the three required 'trend snapshot boards'. The second part of the brief is to choose one of the trends and create a campaign in relation to a product for an already existing company/brand.
From the beginning I knew I would pick the trend 'Sensory Interaction' because I personally found it the most interesting and innovative of the three.
I had quite a few ideas to start with:
Fragrance Catalogue:
Instead of having thousands of samples on blotters- create a well-designed, creative book to show customers browsing for new fragrances. Book would have samples of each perfume stocked, alongside information on that fragrance & perhaps advert. Could be a new way of choosing perfume. It could even be broken down into categories e.g. fruity tones, floral tones, wood tones (like chapters of a book).
Special edition book/magazine:
Using the same idea as the fragrance catalogue. Could be done in conjunction with a popular fashion glossy such as Elle or Vogue, and could be annual like how Elle magazine brings out Elle Collections.
Design your own fragrance pop-up shop:
Exciting and interactive form of advertising for an already existing popular fragrance brand. Consumer's could get the opportunity to design their own fragrance, and perhaps even the bottle or packaging?
Mood-altering Fragrances:
Researching into fragrance I found a big trend is going to be mood-altering scents (think aromatherapy). Perhaps creating some signature scents for different moods?

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