Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My chosen scents:

I researched quite a bit into aromatherapy to learn about which scents affect certain moods. I then decided upon 4 chosen scents which I named:
I then thought about how each scent could be depicted when I come to designing promotional pieces for Pandora. I decided upon using photography to depict each scent. I scanned through a number of photography books and found 4 images I liked. I then scanned them into Photoshop and edited them slightly, changing colours and adding a film grain filter.
Bellow shows my 4 scents with a description along with their chosen edited image:

Designing the Pandora Charm:

To help me decide what the scented charm would look like I researched into a few things. First I looked into solid perfume designs. A lot of brands do these often as promotional P.O.S.
Solid perfume is basically perfume in a solid form- similar looking to that of a pot of lip balm. I found that the solid perfume products often incorporate their designs into jewellery (I have included some images):
I also looked into 2010/11 jewellery trends on WGSN and found that one key trend in reference to shape is the 'orb'. I thoughts about drawing out my own design, but then came across the image bellow which I thought was perfect and chose to edit on Photoshop instead- therefore making it my own design.

Trend Development: Product concept

After many hours of researching into the olfactive trend, I feel I have pin-pointed a strong design concept.
Through WGSN I found an interesting article titled 'Headspace: on scent as design- fragrance symposium'. The article highlights WGSN's fins on 2 experiments that explored scents as timepieces, remedies and unique experiences. The part of the article in which I found most interesting was where it is explained that a fragrance is so much more than a scent, and that it can in fact affect mood, sense of self and can have vast influence on us:

'Tying in with WGSN's macro trend Your Space for Autumn. Winter 2011/12, the designers fused their perception of particular sensations with their sense of smell to produce fragrances that can directly influence people's mood, optimism, nostalgia and appetite. What people choose to surround themselves with and the information they choose to store in their consciousness is unique to each individual, but the experiment highlighted the affect scent can have on our sub consciousness.'

Further more in reference to the idea of mood-effect scents, in WGSN's Beauty Cosmetics trends for 2010 it stated:

'According to leading market research company Mintel's scent predictions for 2010, one key trend will be scents that influence our moods. "During a time of high-stress lifestyles, consumers are looking for any way they can escape the rigors of everyday life".

I decided upon creating a collection of mood-evoking scents in the form of perfume/fragrance. My first idea was to create the collection for an already existing perfume brand with the advertising campaign consisting of some form of pop-up shop at a high-end department store.
I looked into previous pop-up store campaigns which then led me to find an article, again from WGSN titled 'new ways of scenting'. In this there was a range of scented bracelets features which gave me the idea to be a bit more inventive and mix the idea of fragrance with jewellery.
I began researching into new and innovative emerging jewellery trends and found an insightful report of Mintel- Watches and Jewellery Retailing- UK 2010:

'The Mintel inspire trend New Age Wellness documents the interest in holistic health, and in products imbued with functional properties: from aromatherapy and magnetic therapy, to power balance and homeopathy. The thread that links these movements, aside from their celebrity following and lifestyle appeal, is the need they address: effortless mind-body balance.

I have decided to design a collection of scented charms for high-end jewellery brand Pandora.

Back to trend:

Now that the other two briefs are complete I was ready to get on with the trend project.
As shown in a previous post I have already completed the three required 'trend snapshot boards'. The second part of the brief is to choose one of the trends and create a campaign in relation to a product for an already existing company/brand.
From the beginning I knew I would pick the trend 'Sensory Interaction' because I personally found it the most interesting and innovative of the three.
I had quite a few ideas to start with:
Fragrance Catalogue:
Instead of having thousands of samples on blotters- create a well-designed, creative book to show customers browsing for new fragrances. Book would have samples of each perfume stocked, alongside information on that fragrance & perhaps advert. Could be a new way of choosing perfume. It could even be broken down into categories e.g. fruity tones, floral tones, wood tones (like chapters of a book).
Special edition book/magazine:
Using the same idea as the fragrance catalogue. Could be done in conjunction with a popular fashion glossy such as Elle or Vogue, and could be annual like how Elle magazine brings out Elle Collections.
Design your own fragrance pop-up shop:
Exciting and interactive form of advertising for an already existing popular fragrance brand. Consumer's could get the opportunity to design their own fragrance, and perhaps even the bottle or packaging?
Mood-altering Fragrances:
Researching into fragrance I found a big trend is going to be mood-altering scents (think aromatherapy). Perhaps creating some signature scents for different moods?

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Finishing off the Golf brief:

The Golf brief (promoting a Preston retailer) was the only brief pretty much finished. I had all the research done; I just needed to complete the promotional work. Images bellow show the promotional work I designed as well as the final images from the shoot- layouts shown are finished and ready for portfolio.
The individual part of this brief was about using the shots from the photo shoot done in a group to produce promotional pieces for out chosen retailer (The Golf Factory). I decided to not do them for The Golf Factory, as I thought our images really fitted with iconic fashion brand Ralph Lauren. I researched into their company and discovered they actually have their own Golf collection- Polo Golf. I took this as a great opportunity to develop promotional work for Ralph Lauren instead.
I designed some adverts after researching Ralph Lauren's advertising style, as well as an iPhone application for the Polo Golf Fall 2010 look-book, and also a promotional leaflet including images from shoot and a sort of quiz in the form of 'the A-Z of Golf'.
The leaflet idea was inspired by a Topshop leaflet I received in the post. I liked the layout of it- A2 piece of paper folded to create leaflet, imaginative yet simple:

Creative Customer Profile:

For the visual side of the customer profile I did my own fashion illustration representing Emma Bridges (who the profile is about).
I first did a line drawing by hand and then scanned this into Photoshop and added detail:

Portfolio pages for promotional work:

Images bellow show the finalised page layouts intended for my portfolio:

More typography

As stated in a previous post, I wasn't really happy with the packaging page I'd done for portfolio so today I decided to tackle that. Got rid of the zebra print soft case in exchange for a fabric cleaning cloth which I designed using the typography design. I actually made the cloth by using t-shirt transfer paper to print my design onto some fabric. I then photographed it and did some editing (see image)
I also designed a launch invite using the typography design again mixed with red acetate.
I got the acetate idea after reading an article on WGSN about sensory interaction (a trend that seems to be popping up in all of my work)

"Sensory materials add depth to the product through
kaleidoscopic colour and light-omitting surface. Optical
stimulation and a tactility heighten the experience between
product and consumer"
WGSN key packaging trend forecast 2011.

Ab Fab Research Folder:

Wow, I can't actually believe how much better I like this format of presenting research! Just after one day I managed to get loads in there and I think it looks so much more professional. I've decided I'm going to stick with this format for all 3 briefs.
After collecting all the research I already had and put that into the folder, I then started tackling the promotional work. The window display was the first thing that needed editing. Even though it's strong visually it doesn't really advertise clearly what the product is (rang of sunglasses in conjunction with TV programme Absolutely Fabulous), and it doesn't show where it will be sold (House Of Fraser). I've always been really into typography but never really done any so took this as an opportunity to incorporate it into my work. I had a play about on Photoshop and came up with the image bellow. I added this into the window display and thankfully it worked well. Thinking the typography design could be used in some other pieces of promotional work also so will look into that further...
Typography Inspiration


Today I've been deciding in what order to tackle this giant workload. At first I was thinking trend- as this is the least completed, but now I've changed my mind to the TV programme brief instead. I've done this because I'd rather get on with something that I know exactly where it's going. Even though there is practically no sketchbook for the Ab Fab project I know exactly what to do- unlike trend where I'm stumped!
I also decided today that I want to go for a new style of presenting my research. In the past I've always done sketchbooks, and although they have the advantage of looking neat and well presented- cutting and sticking can take up a surprising amount of time. So instead I'm going to try out a research folder format instead. I'm a bit wary of this at the minute because I'm so fussy when it comes to presentation, going to work hard today though and get a decent amount done- then I'll be able to judge if this format is working...

Christmas Holidays

Admittedly, I have not been on track with my work for a while and so I'm really glad to be going home for a few weeks. Back home is where I work best. I have no distractions, and I also find home more of a creative environment and so feeling inspired and motivated comes a lot easier.
I've written a list of what there is to do- and there is a lot! I'm feeling a tad apprehensive, but I know there's no point getting stressed as I'm not leaving for Uni until all work is done!

My trends

I have 3 trends now:
Culture Jamming
Sensory Interaction
Culture jamming, is the act of using existing media such as billboards, bus-ads, posters, and other ads to comment on those very media themselves or on society in general, using the original medium's communication method. It is based on the idea that advertising is little more than propaganda for established interests, and that there is little escape from this propaganda in industrialized nations. Culture jamming differs from artistic appropriation (which is done for art's sake), and from vandalism where destruction or defacement is the primary goal.

The word, "culture jamming" comes from the idea of radio jamming: that public frequencies can be pirated and subverted for independent communication, or to disrupt dominant frequencies. The Situationist International first made the comparison to radio jamming in 1968, when it proposed the use of guerrilla communication within mass media to sow confusion within the dominant culture. (Kalle Lasn, the founder of AdBusters magazine, wrote a book entitled Culture Jam, but the term predates his title.) – Urban Dictionary

Nature-phobe is a trend that explores the concept of getting people outdoors and back to nature by enticing a mixture of home comforts, luxury and new-age technology.

Sensory Interaction is a trend that explores the advantages of the human sense of smell. As technology advances, so does our ability to explore more interactive forms of media/advertising.

Trend snapshot boards:

Too much?

Today we had the pleasure of getting a lesson with Ravi from Future Lab. I was really excited about this as I would absolutely love to try and get some form of work experience there when I graduate. I came prepared (or so I thought) with a folder full of interesting articles I'd found about emerging trends/tribes. We all sat around and discussed what ideas we'd come up with.
When it got to my turn I realised I actually had too much information- I couldn't really explain which trend I was going to go into as I didn't know. I had snippets of info about a number of different things and instead of starting to form a niche I was just accumulating lots of little things. Ravi explained to me that what I was sourcing was interesting- I just had to start narrowing my search down and becoming more specific.
Today made me realise how vast trend can be, because even though there was quite a large group of us- no-one had the same trends.
I have a feeling that I'm making this more difficult than it actually is, almost like I'm putting too much pressure on myself because I want to do really well?
I guess all I can do is keep researching, and eventually something will come to me...

Cool Hunting

When the brief was handed out we also got given a list of useful links to help with finding trends. I'd heard of the cool hunter before but never really went on there that much. Just checked it out today and its really insightful. Found both this site and WGSN feature quite similar stories. There seems to be a strong focus on nature- e.g. glamping/eco-friendly products/going back to basics/outdoor activities/re-cycled products- lot of info is based around the current economic situation and things such as the recession and global warming are clearly influencing trends...
Also found an interesting article about olfactive advertising- using actual scent in promoting/influencing people to buy products. Never knew this sort of stuff existed.
I am finding it really interesting looking into this kind of thing, but it's almost overwhelming when trying to pin-point specific trends/tribes. It's only early days but I can usually tell when I'm going to struggle with a brief... I have a feeling this may be one of them


The newest brief is based on trend and although I find trend really interesting, I sense this is going to be a tricky brief.
The brief consists of finding and identifying 3 trends/tribes and then presenting these in the form of trend snapshot boards. We then have to choose one of the trends and create a product along with a promotional campaign for a brand of our choice.
I want to do really well at this brief because I think I would like to pursue a career within trend forecasting.
It's so strange how things change, I really didn't like trend in the past but ever since we went to a trend seminar by Future Laboratory I have seen it in a completely new light. For most of my second year at Uni I was really thinking that I didn't want to pursue a career in fashion anymore. I'd decided that the industry was shallow and materialistic, and I didn't want to be part of something like that. The seminar was so enlightening to me though, and made me realise how trend forecasting was so much more than knowing what colours were 'in' and what style of dresses were 'out'.
Obviously I'm going to have to get into researching trends and do quite a lot of reading, I find WGSN a brilliant source for information so that's where I'm going to start...


Today is the last day before I go back to Uni, and I've been designing some packaging for the sunglasses range. Again kept with the animal print and red concept. I like the box I've designed, but not too sure about the soft case, think I might change this in the near future as I don't think it looks strong enough to go in my portfolio...

On a role

Really liked the window display layout, the colour and prints are simple yet eye-catching and memorable.
Definitely going to stick with this idea!
From the window display image you can see that I added the quote 'what do you see when you look in the mirror darling?... me looking fabulous'- this is a quote from the programme that I really liked and feel it fits in with the window display as the glass is designed to be mirrored.

I recently read an article in WGSN about 'sensory interaction' and this had given me the idea to try and design some form of interactive technology for in-store.
I came up with the idea of having a touch screen device attached to the wall which was mirrored. The idea would be that the customer would look into the mirror and see their reflection on one half of the screen. The other half would show the range of sunglasses available. The customer could then virtually try on the desired pair of sunglasses by touching them and dragging them over their face...

Animal Prints...

After scrapping the whole caricature idea I decided to go a lot simpler in terms of reflecting the programme through visuals. I looked into the 2 main characters outfits and saw that they wore a lot of clashing prints and colours. This gave me the idea of using animal prints.
Leopard print & Zebra print teamed with a vibrant red was the combination I came up with.
I re-assessed the original window display I'd done and decided there was a potentially good idea there- it just needed re-working in a more sophisticated way.
Fashion illustrations of a more fashionable nature came to mind, and I began having a play on Photoshop.
Amazingly, by the end of the day I came up with this....

2 steps forward, 4 steps back:

For the last 2 days I have been sat at my laptop solidly, and I have nothing completed at all- not even half completed. Thought I'd start on the window display, but have been having major problems with coming up with anything strong. I decided to look into things that would visually represent Absolutely Fabulous, and all I came up with were cigarettes (not suitable), alcohol (not suitable), and drugs (definitely not suitable.)
I did a few sketched of the characters which for a moment gave me a glimpse of hope- but then as usual I decided I didn't like the look it was creating. I wanted to aim the product towards early to late 20's women, who are very fashion-conscious, sophisticated yet youthful. The illustration/ caricature idea looks nice- but not right for my target audience.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Something familiar:

I have had a new idea...
After staring at images of the two main character from Ab Fab (Patsy and Edina), I have decided that their hair styles are quite familiar, Patsy's in particular- a peroxide blonde beehive to be precise. I started doing some sketches of their hair and then came up with the concept of adding mirrors to represent faces. They would be posted on the glass of the window display so that when a passer-by looked into the mirror, it looked as if the comedy-esque hairstyle was their own.
Literally played around creating a window display all day, and then guess what happened- I decided I didn't like it. This weekend of 'inspiration' is not panning out at all how I had hoped...

Mind block:

I feel I'm falling behind with work, I seem to be getting distracted by my surroundings so have decided to spend a long weekend at Dad's to focus and hopefully get back into the flow of this project.

Ab Fab:

Spoke to Ruth today and decided upon either the Mr T or Absolutely Fabulous idea. Think I'm going to do the Absolutely Fabulous idea as I think there is more potential opportunities with it. Going to do some research into it and hopefully get some good ideas going...


Went and did a whole load of research into Jersey Shore only to decide that actually no, I don't want to do that anymore. This is just so typically me. I think about something for so long that in the end I just hate it. Been getting a bit frustrated as in past projects I've usually managed to get an idea pretty much as soon as I get handed the brief- not the case this time. I think I must have just sat at my desk for about 2 hours frustrating myself, until I decided to just write a list of as many ideas I could think of, here are the best ones:
Gold Jewellery collection for Mr T from The A Team
Vintage broach collection for Antiques Road show
Gourmet food for I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here e.g. chocolate covered locusts/ants
Glasses rang for Ugly Betty
Afghan coat range for Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses
Dating game for Take me Out
Sunglasses range for Absolutely Fabulous

Brief number 2:

So I got the new brief today, and again I like it. Basically to summarise- you have to pick a non-fashion TV program (old or new) and create a product for it e.g. Earrings for Pat Butcher from Eastenders, or cupcakes for Desperate Housewives. You then have to create at least 4 pieces of promotional work for chosen product- one in which has to be a window display. As soon as I heard window display I have to admit I wasn't too impressed. The last time we were asked to design one was in first year. I remember absolutely loving the brief when it got set, but when it came to translating my ideas onto paper I found it very difficult and was not happy with what I handed in.
I have no specific ideas as yet, thought about Jersey shore but I have a feeling quite a few people might pick that.

Presenting to the class...

So today was the day in which all groups did a short presentation to the class showing their final shots and describing the story behind them.
I have been comparing the class I am in now to that of the class I was in before- obviously as I skipped placement year I am now with completely different people, and the main thing I have noticed is how secretive everyone is about their work! This especially shone through in this brief. I personally am happy to share my ideas and work with whoever is willing to listen, after all it's always good to receive feedback.
I can't remember exactly what order we did our presentation but I do know we were either first or second. We got up and did our presentation and I felt it went really well. The styling was great, the location looked good in shots- and we had an eagle! Ruth noted us on the preciseness of our styling and said we had got some really good shots.
I admit, I don't think our shoot was necessarily the best (the team that did their shoot at the docks were breathtaking), but they certainly weren't the worst.
It's funny really, because all through second year I was a nervous wreck- never thinking my work was good enough. This year for some reason I just have a completely different attitude. I don't feel half as stressed, and I was actually praised by my team for how positive I had remained throughout the brief. This has given me real optimism for the year ahead; if I can carry on with this mind-set then I think the future is looking bright...

Finalising shots:

Today myself and the team discussed which images to pick for the final 4/6. There were literally hundreds of images to choose from, but thankfully we all had similar ideas.
I did get a little frustrated at one point though as I believed we should pick 4 images that represented strong photography- whereas some team members thought the final images should be decided on which shots showed the narrative best. I didn't like this idea as that meant at least one of the 'sweet spot' shots and one of the 'dance floor' shots would have to be used, replacing the place of potentially good images.
When it comes to my work I find I am quite stubborn- I know what I want and what makes a good piece of work, and if I'm honest I don't like my judgement being questioned. I would say this is the main aspect of group work I dislike. It's not like doing independent work where I have full control over everything, and so the debate over final images went on for quite a while. In the end we decided the final verdict would be made by Ruth- after all, she has seen all of the other group's images and she is the one that wrote the brief, therefore she will know which images match the briefs criteria best.
After Ruth had gone through the images with us it seemed we had come to an agreement- basically pick some shots based on photographic quality, and some based on the narrative concept. Yes- I wasn't 100% happy with the final outcome, but at least some of the images I favoured were put through.
Think I've learnt that although group work can be great in terms of increasing workloads- it also takes away control, which is something I'm pretty fussy about.

Sunday, 2 January 2011


Got a copy of the shoot today and I personally think there are some really great shots. Love some of the Eagle shots, as well as the teeing off collection. On the downside, I absolutely hate the sweet spot series. To me they just look bizarre- and not in a good way. I don't know about the rest of the team but I really don't want to use any of those in the final selection.
Dance floor series didn't come out too well either. We used Emma and Sean in most of the shots and for some reason Emma just appears to completely dwarf Sean! I have no idea how, perhaps just odd camera angles? I won't be too fussed if none of those are used either.
I feel a tad concerned that the whole concept of our narrative was the play on words with golfing terms, and now that some of those ideas didn't come through well in shot the images as a set won't really make any sense. Is it more important to choose images that clearly explain the concept of the narrative, or is it more important to pick the images in terms of strongest photographs?
Definitely something that needs to be discussed...