Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My chosen scents:

I researched quite a bit into aromatherapy to learn about which scents affect certain moods. I then decided upon 4 chosen scents which I named:
I then thought about how each scent could be depicted when I come to designing promotional pieces for Pandora. I decided upon using photography to depict each scent. I scanned through a number of photography books and found 4 images I liked. I then scanned them into Photoshop and edited them slightly, changing colours and adding a film grain filter.
Bellow shows my 4 scents with a description along with their chosen edited image:

Designing the Pandora Charm:

To help me decide what the scented charm would look like I researched into a few things. First I looked into solid perfume designs. A lot of brands do these often as promotional P.O.S.
Solid perfume is basically perfume in a solid form- similar looking to that of a pot of lip balm. I found that the solid perfume products often incorporate their designs into jewellery (I have included some images):
I also looked into 2010/11 jewellery trends on WGSN and found that one key trend in reference to shape is the 'orb'. I thoughts about drawing out my own design, but then came across the image bellow which I thought was perfect and chose to edit on Photoshop instead- therefore making it my own design.

Trend Development: Product concept

After many hours of researching into the olfactive trend, I feel I have pin-pointed a strong design concept.
Through WGSN I found an interesting article titled 'Headspace: on scent as design- fragrance symposium'. The article highlights WGSN's fins on 2 experiments that explored scents as timepieces, remedies and unique experiences. The part of the article in which I found most interesting was where it is explained that a fragrance is so much more than a scent, and that it can in fact affect mood, sense of self and can have vast influence on us:

'Tying in with WGSN's macro trend Your Space for Autumn. Winter 2011/12, the designers fused their perception of particular sensations with their sense of smell to produce fragrances that can directly influence people's mood, optimism, nostalgia and appetite. What people choose to surround themselves with and the information they choose to store in their consciousness is unique to each individual, but the experiment highlighted the affect scent can have on our sub consciousness.'

Further more in reference to the idea of mood-effect scents, in WGSN's Beauty Cosmetics trends for 2010 it stated:

'According to leading market research company Mintel's scent predictions for 2010, one key trend will be scents that influence our moods. "During a time of high-stress lifestyles, consumers are looking for any way they can escape the rigors of everyday life".

I decided upon creating a collection of mood-evoking scents in the form of perfume/fragrance. My first idea was to create the collection for an already existing perfume brand with the advertising campaign consisting of some form of pop-up shop at a high-end department store.
I looked into previous pop-up store campaigns which then led me to find an article, again from WGSN titled 'new ways of scenting'. In this there was a range of scented bracelets features which gave me the idea to be a bit more inventive and mix the idea of fragrance with jewellery.
I began researching into new and innovative emerging jewellery trends and found an insightful report of Mintel- Watches and Jewellery Retailing- UK 2010:

'The Mintel inspire trend New Age Wellness documents the interest in holistic health, and in products imbued with functional properties: from aromatherapy and magnetic therapy, to power balance and homeopathy. The thread that links these movements, aside from their celebrity following and lifestyle appeal, is the need they address: effortless mind-body balance.

I have decided to design a collection of scented charms for high-end jewellery brand Pandora.

Back to trend:

Now that the other two briefs are complete I was ready to get on with the trend project.
As shown in a previous post I have already completed the three required 'trend snapshot boards'. The second part of the brief is to choose one of the trends and create a campaign in relation to a product for an already existing company/brand.
From the beginning I knew I would pick the trend 'Sensory Interaction' because I personally found it the most interesting and innovative of the three.
I had quite a few ideas to start with:
Fragrance Catalogue:
Instead of having thousands of samples on blotters- create a well-designed, creative book to show customers browsing for new fragrances. Book would have samples of each perfume stocked, alongside information on that fragrance & perhaps advert. Could be a new way of choosing perfume. It could even be broken down into categories e.g. fruity tones, floral tones, wood tones (like chapters of a book).
Special edition book/magazine:
Using the same idea as the fragrance catalogue. Could be done in conjunction with a popular fashion glossy such as Elle or Vogue, and could be annual like how Elle magazine brings out Elle Collections.
Design your own fragrance pop-up shop:
Exciting and interactive form of advertising for an already existing popular fragrance brand. Consumer's could get the opportunity to design their own fragrance, and perhaps even the bottle or packaging?
Mood-altering Fragrances:
Researching into fragrance I found a big trend is going to be mood-altering scents (think aromatherapy). Perhaps creating some signature scents for different moods?

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Finishing off the Golf brief:

The Golf brief (promoting a Preston retailer) was the only brief pretty much finished. I had all the research done; I just needed to complete the promotional work. Images bellow show the promotional work I designed as well as the final images from the shoot- layouts shown are finished and ready for portfolio.
The individual part of this brief was about using the shots from the photo shoot done in a group to produce promotional pieces for out chosen retailer (The Golf Factory). I decided to not do them for The Golf Factory, as I thought our images really fitted with iconic fashion brand Ralph Lauren. I researched into their company and discovered they actually have their own Golf collection- Polo Golf. I took this as a great opportunity to develop promotional work for Ralph Lauren instead.
I designed some adverts after researching Ralph Lauren's advertising style, as well as an iPhone application for the Polo Golf Fall 2010 look-book, and also a promotional leaflet including images from shoot and a sort of quiz in the form of 'the A-Z of Golf'.
The leaflet idea was inspired by a Topshop leaflet I received in the post. I liked the layout of it- A2 piece of paper folded to create leaflet, imaginative yet simple:

Creative Customer Profile:

For the visual side of the customer profile I did my own fashion illustration representing Emma Bridges (who the profile is about).
I first did a line drawing by hand and then scanned this into Photoshop and added detail:

Portfolio pages for promotional work:

Images bellow show the finalised page layouts intended for my portfolio: